Check the video HERE I don’t like dwelling on the past, but sometimes it’s necessary to gain insight on moving forward. 2020 was my last complete ski season without injury and I believe there is something to be said about it. You never know the what the good times are until they become a memory, …at least that’s what “they” always say. Regardless, I was definitely having a really good time during the 2020 season. We had an awesome start to winter. Storm after storm, we were already nearing mid season snow depth in January. And, with a relatively stable snowpack. More days with snow meant more days on snow and the quality conditions allowed for unrelenting big mountain riding....
The @jessehallskibase Invitational came into being, the second ski-BASE boogie ever. Following some scouting, a few phone calls, and some really stoned snow shoveling later we had a legal ski-BASE jumping event and I invited some friends. And boy howdy!
This season skier and Sego Ambassador Matt Bambach suffered a serious injury while just skiing along on a standard backcountry run just off Teton Pass. He recently sat down with the crew that helped get him from the backcountry to medical care. Teton County Search and Rescue's "The Fine Line" podcast takes a dive into that day's events and Matt's perspective as well as those of the first responders. His story is worth a listen as it brings into perspective how a simple day in the backcountry can get serious quick, as well as what goes into a successful rescue and recovery.
After the release of Mario's Hit List, Mario went on to win the Pain McShlonkey classic, became the world's only sponsored snow blader, and won the Freeride World Tour. But where has Mario been the last five years? And what has he been up to? All we've knew before a dvd copy of this new edit arrived wrapped in a hockey sock at the Victor Post Office addressed to "Seagull Skis., General Delivery" yesterday was that he had never stopped cashing his pro-blader sponsorship checks. Long live Mario, still the world's best blader - he's back.
Patrick Halgren has spent the last several years climbing to the top of the disabled ski racing world. We gave Patrick a call last week to catch up as he departed from Los Angeles to represent Team USA in the Standing Giant Slalom and Standing Slalom events in the Paralympics in Beijing. Since then he's proudly returned with a 13th place in the Standing Slalom, and a mid-pack finish in the standing GS. Imagine being top 13 in the world at something: What an animal.