Scott Barney


  • Age - 27

  • Hometown - Kaysville Utah

  • Current hometown/ mountain - Rexburg ID/ Grand Targhee

  • Sego quiver - Big Horn 106 and Big Horn 96

  • Years skiing for Sego? - First Year

  • One thing that fires you up most outside of skiing? Mountain Biking

  • Would you say you “train” for skiing or just have activities that get you in shape in physically and/or mentally complement your skiing? I just try to stay in shape and get stoked by mountain biking and skateboarding a lot in the summer and fall!

  • What you look forward to most going into a ski season? Deep days with good friends

  • This season? Backcountry jump build plans

  • Random fact about yourself? I own a food truck that sells amazing corndogs!

  • Ski with music? Or music that gets you fired up/ want your skiing to feel like? I rarely ski with music but when I do it's usually 90s rap.

Why Sego?

Sego has the most well-made skis! They are high quality, durable, rip hard on the hill. I love the skis and I love the company so it's a no-brainer!