Miles Morris
- Age 19
- Hometown Park City
- Current hometown/ mountain Bozeman
- Sego quiver Cleaver Comp, Bighorn 106
- Years skiing for Sego? 2
- One thing that fires you up most outside of skiing? Making clothes with and making stuff for @ski_bones
- Would you say you “train” for skiing or just have activities that get you in shape in physically and/or mentally compliment your skiing? I always tell myself I want to train, but I end up just mountain biking a lot.
- What do you look forward to most going into a ski season? Going fast with my friends.
- This season? Escaping from the resorts to build…
- Random fact about yourself? I really really like chicken.
- Ski with music? Or music that gets you fired up/ want your skiing to feel like? Music is a must for me, I prefer 50 cent.
Why Sego?
Love being able to represent a local brand with skis made in the USA!