Axel J Tukiainen

  • Age - 21 
  • Hometown - La Floresta, Barcelona, Spain 
  • Home mountain - Baqueira Beret 
  • Sego quiver - Condors 116.192cm, Cleavers Comp 192 
  • Years on Sego - Started this year :) 
  • What fires you up most outside of skiing? Skateboarding and cliff jumping 
  • Would you say you “train” for skiing or just have activities that get you in shape in physically and/or mentally compliment your skiing?  I train a lot my body like getting strong in the gym and stuff, but im always doing positive things like stretching, hiking the mountains, slackline, skateboarding, trampoline, cliff jumping… What helps me more mentally is cliff jumping, i find it very similar to big drops in skiing. 

  • What you look forward to most going into a ski season? Skiing as much as i can with my homies it´s what makes me happy.  Filming a lot and ski faaaast. 
  • Random fact about yourself? I´m half Spanish and half Finish, i have a wierd full name: Axel Turo Benjamin Joaniquet Tukiainen 
  • Music? Sometimes, mostly in the park, in freeriding I like to listen to the mountain.  Strong music, any kind of it that i like but it needs to be like with a nice strong energy or vibe, like a strong message. 
  • Why Sego? 

It´s a very real brand, i like the vibe and the people, and more important I feel aprecciated by the team.