From Mark:
"Here's the season edit! Things worked out on my end this year--no major injuries. So despite all the shit-show shenanigans of 2020, we did some cool stuff and even got some of it on camera. I've been wanting to use this song for years now (ever since Emil introduced me to BTMI back in the Mount Hood days) and finally felt justified in doing so.
Thanks to Emil, Jedd, Scott, Jeremy and Collin for the footy, to Joel and Doyle for chasing missions with me, and to all the other 40 or 50 people I got to ski with this year. It's an amazing community we share. Perpetual thanks to Sego Ski Co. And thanks to you, dear viewer, for watching! You'll never get these four minutes of your life back.
Song: First Time I Met Sanawon by Bomb the Music Industry!"
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